Lawsuit to the Treasury tribunal for the deputy of the armoured cavalry unit concerning the unlawful execution of an order of payment

Barbara Sanguszko, the widow of the Great Marshal of Lithuanian, together with Franciszek Komorowski, a sub delegate of the castle court of Sandomierz, Franciszek Jakubowski, a proventus of the County of Tarnów, Maciej Grotkowski and Jan Sławiński, sues Aleksander Moszczyński, the deputy of the cavalry unit of Antoni Morski, the Castellan of Przemyśl, to the Treasury Tribunal in Radom for the violation of the Constitution of 1717, namely for armed cavalry unit night raids, among others breaking up the meetings of the local Jews, beating and flogging of a Jewish woman during the execution of the unlawfully issued order of payment (intended exclusively for Haskal Wulfowicz and not for the whole community in Tarnów) by the Krakow-Sandomierz land elders, Icek Opoczyński and Szaweł of Nowy Korczyn. She demands court punishments and compensation of 15 red Hungarian currency worth of losses.
Archive: The National Archives in Krakow
Fond: Krakow castle court files
Reference Number: ANKr, CCR 187, s. 701-704
Language: Latin
Creation Date: 24.03.1755
Place of origin: Radom
Geographical names: Nowy Korczyn, Opoczno, Radom, Tarnow
Pozew złożony w dworze w Szczytnikach 5 IV 1755.